TLC Acupuncture is teaming up with, "His Heart Beats On”, a Venitelli family fundraising event and donating an initial consultation and treatment to help raise funds for the Venitelli family.
“Starting on Tuesday, October 29th through Saturday, November 2nd, friends and family will be hosting many fundraising events in honor of the late Joseph Venitelli, Sr. Joe who passed earlier this year on April 9th, while waiting for a hearttransplant. Joe was only 52 years old and he left behind two young children, Joseph Jr., 14 and Eryn Bella, 12, and his wife of 15 years, Maureen.
These fundraising events will be used to help the family offset the medical costs incurred while Joe waited for his heart transplant.” Alternative
Please help me in supporting the Venitelli family and come outto join us at the fundraiser!